{{ ["select your model", "wähle dein modell", "Sélectionner votre modèle"][lang] }}
{{ [config.Name, config.Name_DE, config.Name_FR][lang] }}
{{ [config.Type, config.Type_DE, config.Type_FR][lang] }}
{{ [config.Description, config.Description_DE, config.Description_FR][lang] }}
{{ (config.Disabled=="true")? ["coming soon", "bald verfügbar", "Disponible prochainement"][lang] : ["Configure", "Konfigurieren", "Configurer"][lang] }}
{{ ["loading configurator", "konfigurator lädt", "Chargement configurateur"][lang] }}
This Model will soon be aviable in the Configurator
{{ (activeMainCathegory.cathegories.indexOf(cathegory)+1) + " | " + [cathegory.name, cathegory.Cathegory_DE, cathegory.Cathegory_FR][lang] }}
{{ [product.Name, product.Name_DE, product.Name_FR][lang] }}
{{ [cathegory.selected.Name, cathegory.selected.Name_DE, cathegory.selected.Name_FR][lang] }}
{{ [cathegory.selected.Description, cathegory.selected.Description_DE, cathegory.selected.Description_FR][lang] }}
{{ ["\n Weight: ", "\n Gewicht: ", "\n Poids: "][lang] + cathegory.selected.Weight + " g" }}
{{ ['Select', 'Weiter', 'Suivant'][lang] }}
{{ ["Configure", "Konfigurieren", "Configurer"][lang] }}
{{ ["Quality", "Qualität", "Qualité"][lang] }}
{{ ["Zoom", "Zoom", "Zoom"][lang] }}
{{ ["View", "Ansicht", "Vue"][lang] }}
{{ ["Your Configuration Code", "Deine Konfigurationscode", "Votre configuration"][lang] }}
{{ ["you can use this code to load your configuration or to send it to your dealer:", "Mit diesem Code können sie ihre Konfiguration erneut aufrufen:", "Votre code de configuration:"][lang] }}
{{ ["please note: o, O and 0 are different symbols", "Bitte beachten sie den Unterschied zwischen o, O und 0", "Merci de faire la différence entre : o, O et 0 qui sont des caractères différents"][lang] }}
open a previous Configuration:
{{ ["Copy link", "Link kopieren", "Copier le lien"][lang] }}
{{ ["Share Your Küschall", "Teile deinen Küschall", "Share Your Küschall"][lang] }}
{{ ["share in app", "in app teilen", "Partager"][lang] }}
{{ ["share on Facebook", "auf Facebook teilen", "Partager"][lang] }}
{{ ["Send Mail", "Mail senden", "Envoyer un email "][lang] }}
{{ ["save Image", "Bild speichern", "Partager"][lang] }}
{{ "Küschall " + cathegories[0].selected.Name }}
{{ ["your personal configuration" , "deine Konfiguration", "Votre configuration personnaliséen"][lang] }}
{{ ["Configuration Code", "Konfigurationscode", "Code de configuration"][lang] }}
{{ [mainCathegory.name, mainCathegory.name_DE, mainCathegory.name_FR][lang] }}
{{ [cathegory.name , cathegory.Cathegory_DE, cathegory.Cathegory_FR][lang] }}
{{ [cathegory.selected.Name , cathegory.selected.Name_DE, cathegory.selected.Name_FR][lang] }}
{{ cathegory.selected.PrintCode }}
{{ ["Weight", "Gewicht", "Poids"][lang] }}:
{{(calculateSum(cathegories,"Weight"))}} g
{{ "All weights indicated are based on seat width 400 mm and seat depth 400 mm in the lightest and most compact configuration. Weights might change with the different configurations. " }}